Friday, July 17, 2009

New Work

Some Sun some rain. Garden wants more rain. At least we can see our dock and have a fire now as both have emerged from being under water.

Working on new piece for LA Arts show this fall. Almost done. Here's a preview of the tiles I am using. I made the originals during a workshop May 2008 at Haystack School of Crafts on Deer Isle, ME. Will put photo of the completed piece when done, hopefully by mid next week. I am using an old window frame from an really old house. The frame is beautiful. Well more later

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th. As usual I am finishing up mugs, firing the kiln and preparing for the next Art Show where I will be selling my wares. I used to think this was a hard way to make a living, but what isn't. Going and being in an Art Show is of course work, but usually they are in beautiful settings, one see's wonderful people who not only come to purchase, but enjoy seeing what people create. I am glad I have the opportunity to show my work and meet with people who purcase and/or collect.
Looking back I don't believe I would choose another course.

So, My next Art Show will be in beautiful Belfast Maine. The show is put on by Friends of the Park, which is located on the waterfront in Belfast. It is just a most beautiful setting next to the bay.
There is food, music, and of course not only wonderful Art and Artist, this fantastic potter!!!!
hehehehe, that's me.

The show is Saturday and Sunday July 11 and 12.
See you there
For show schedule visit link on my web site